Page 40 - 072021
P. 40
cl-style_07-2021 30.06.2021 8:04 Page 40
A clay-shaped life story: I had an indistinct dream. A blurred
dream out of which delicate, but bold clay wings grew up. Why
from clay? How to fly with fragile clay wings? Is this an Icarus-like
story at the end? That it how dreams are! And that is how it was
meant to be. It was as clay chose me. I let myself carried away, irrev-
ocably mesmerized. Charmed by its silky softness and its lavish mal-
leability. Fascinated by its volatility. Spellbound by its versatile
transformations and its limitless. The clay invited me. It generously
allowed me to discover the parallel universes opening up often sur-
prisingly. It initiated me in the art of patience and dreams cascad-
ing up in other dreams. Thoughts you never knew you have.
Ancient vibrations waking up in you. It brought clear sky above
and serenity inside. Clay walked me back to the shapes and colors
of childhood. It brought me closer to the essentials and fundamen-
tal nature elements. It accompanied me back towards the harmony
and the sense-giving circle of life. Unlike you may expect, this is
not an ode to clay. It is though an elegy to never-stop-dreaming. It
is about flying with gentle wings. About listening to the whispering
of nature; about forgetting the Self. It is about just following the
dream who knows the path. It is ultimately about altitude and atti-
tude in a clay-made and shaped life.
40 | COSMO LADY | июль-август 2021